Megadeth – Symphony of Destruction
So lernst du das Solo zuMegadeth – Symphony of Destruction: Unten im Video spiele ich das Solo zu Megadeth „Symphony of Destruction“. Du kannst dir dazu die Tabs in Guitar Pro Format und als PDF kostenlos runterladen. Klicke dazu einfach auf den Link...
Alles, was du über Guitar Pro wissen musst!
Guitar Pro – Was und Warum? Guitar Pro verwende ich im Unterricht die ganze Zeit. Vor Allem zum Üben, aber auch um selbst Tabulatur Sheets zu erstellen. Hier erkläre/demonstriere ich, was Guitar Pro ist und warum man es braucht. 00:00 – Intro, Was ist das...Branching out of the 2 Note Per String Pentatonic Scale
The pentatonic scale is often the first scale we learn when stepping into lead guitar territory. It is easy to visualise on guitar since it is played with 2 notes on each string, and can be played in 5 different boxes. The great thing about the pentatonic scale is...Is It REALLY That Hard To Play Guitar Well?
By Derk Stiepelman If you have been playing guitar for any length of time, I am sure you had times when you felt stuck at the same stage of your playing year after year. When we are in that spot, we often wonder: is it really that hard to play guitar well? If this is...
Why Rocksmith Will Not Help You Play Guitar Well
So once upon a time when I was 10 years old people played a game called Guitar Hero where you played coloured buttons and effectively played songs on the game and it sounded awesome like a real guitar straight away. And that made me want to play real guitar and I am...
Taking Gigs for their Learning Potential
“When you take a job, it should have one or more of these qualities: good money, fun, connections for the future, learning. If it doesn’t have any of these, forget it. Move on.” This quote is from the book “For Guitar Players Only” by Tommy Tedesco. This advice has...
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